
Friday, 29 May 2020

Online relationships- health

'Online relationships aren't as important as real life relationships'.

Some people believe that online relationships aren't as important as online relationships for reasons such as cat fishing, not able to hangout or do anything fun together you are only talking on face time or messages. It may not be necessary but it is better for friendships if you are able to see each other, laugh or just basic in person communication which you just won't get online.

Although online people tend to be more open about their feelings and people can also feel less awkward talking about things that upset them or just general life details because they aren't facing the judgement.

I personally believe that online relationships aren't as important purely for the fact that you can't talk face to face, hangout do anything together other than face timing and sometimes people online end up completely ignoring you. However in some ways online friendships can be better.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

Rats - Chaos

Mouse Plague
  1. Where did this happen? Western Australia
  2. How did this happen? Too much rain which meant lots of food grew so more and ore mice came.
  3. How many offspring's can 2 mice parents make? 2000 in a matter of months
  4. How much wheat did the mice eat? 500,000 tones.
  5. How did they get rid of the mice and how many dead mice were there? poisoned with 10 80.

Rat temple
  1. Where is this happening? Northern India
  2. Why is this happening? They consider them to be gods and he believes they are his ancestors born as rats.
  3. What special treatment do the rats get? They are welcome to eat with the people and they always eat before the people, they are treated like relatives and not rodents, they get to live in a temple and get love unlike other rats elsewhere, worshipped, rats in the kitchen equals good luck.

P.E Term2 week2

This week in p.e we have been working on getting active in a fun way, so we get to choose what we are doing so far we have done table tennis, juggling and just dance.

for table tennis we started off playing for fun then we started to practise out coordination, e had to bounce it off the wall and try to get 20 consecutive hits, then we went and played another game with a friend.

For juggling we had to start with scarves so we could learn the basics then move on to a little rubber type ball, I couldn't even do it with the scarf because i'm the most uncoordinated person known to man. There were also some plastic rings but I knew that wouldn't work in my favour so I didn't even try.

For just dance yesterday it was really fun, we just put on some of the videos and tried to dance the way the people on the screen did (although for me it did NOT look the same.) we spent approximately an hour or a little less doing so but it was actually really fun.

Now that we get to choose what we do I really enjoy P.E and I look forward to the next lesson.

Kate Sheppard- New Zealand Biography.

 In Wananga we have been working on making a biography of someone who is or was famous or who has done something to change new Zealand in a good way.
I chose Kate Sheppard as she is the reason women can vote and who knows what New Zealand would be like without her. I was debating doing it about Sir Edmund Hillary but I decided that Kate Sheppard was more important or had a better story for changing our country for the better.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


Paige and I are going to be making a memory box for our textiles class.

Memory box- paint a box and decorate using scrap material, then add words or something decorative. Then we will add pictures and other things inside the box at the end.

Reusable zip lock bags - out of beeswax wraps.

Candles- reusing candles

Mat- using pom poms

Pillows- using scrap materials

Why: so paige and i can put some of our photos and other memorabilia type items

Monday, 25 May 2020

Comic strips

Characters name: Dude
Power: Able to make words appear in life.
Dude is making words appear in everyday life and they represent the sounds that are happening.

Next time I would have a better story line, art skills and name.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Word cloud sentances.

I felt overworked over the recent lock down when the teachers kept emailing out work just as I had completed one task.

I felt angry when I heard about returning to school because I don’t like seeing people except my friends and I also enjoy working from home.

Today I feel tired at school because I had to wake up early because school starts way to early.

Lockdown Word Art

Word explanations.
Hungry -  I felt hungry because I was near food all of the time and wanted to eat.
Tired -  I constantly felt tired probably because I was home all day everyday doing the same things day after day.
Relaxed - Because I never had anything I needed to do and nobody I had to see.
Overworked- I felt like the teachers gave us too much work and expected us to complete all of it because we were home all day.