
Friday 25 November 2016

Paint On My Wall

What am I arguing to write and why?

I think I should be able to paint whatever I want on my bedroom wall because it's my wall.

If I were allowed to paint whatever I want on my wall, I’d be more willing to help around the house. I wouldn’t be complaining about it all the time.
It  would mean that you wouldn’t be getting annoyed with me not wanting to do the jobs you ask me to. If you ask me to do anything I would do it depending on what it was. Plus my room would never have a single piece of clothing on it

I’d actually want to spend time in there and use it. Because it would look pretty and not so boring which would make me want to be in  there and making my room look nice. If I got the chance to be in my room and have it so bright I would because it would cheer me up.          

I don’t have a very good imagination. If I could paint whatever I wanted on my walls, it would help grow my imagination. Which could mean when I'm older I might decide I want to be an artist and be able to do it because my imagination grew because I was aloud to paint on my wall. But if I don't I wont be able to be an artist or if I do a very good one.

Monday 7 November 2016

Scootering in school should be aloud

In my opinion I think scooting in school should be aloud at lunch and morning tea time because children enjoy it.  

Why I think people should be able to scooter in school is because children need to take risks in life to learn things.
Children need to learn what is dangerous and what is not.
I mean what is the point of having a scooter if you can't play on it.

Children on scooters may take up the tiniest amount of space.
Besides we can set up days for scootering so that you can still have time to play outside without the scooters everywhere.
We also have set court arers for people to scooter and not running around in.

Children on scooters may take up the tiniest amount of space.
Besides we can set up days for scootering so that you can still have time to play outside without the scooters everywhere.
We also have set court arers for people to scooter and not running around in.

The last reason why I think that kids should be aloud to is that school is a safe place so if someone falls of they would be taken care of.
You could teach some little kids how to scooter and maybe a teacher.
 If someone gets hurt the people around them would help.

So all in all I think scooting should be aloud in school because it is in a safe environment

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Muscle Fatigue

This week in literacy we have been learning about muscle fatigue and how you get it.

Friday 23 September 2016

Calendar Art

On Tuesday we went outside and took a photo of ourselves standing on a stool holding a paint brush pointing at the sky, for calendar art. Yesterday we did our plan and our final calendar art piece. My favourite part was taking the photo for the art.

Thursday 15 September 2016

 In maths we are learning how to bring other subjects into our maths.

Monday 12 September 2016


In maths we are learning about volume today we learnt how to read scales using the amount of water in the jug at the time. We have to use liters and milliliters to measure the amounts.

Friday 9 September 2016

Kiwi Can Chuck The Chicken

This is my recount of kiwi can and i think i have finished but if you see any mistakes please give me feedback

Chuck The Chicken My new favorite Kiwi Can game! I hope we do it again.

First Katie split us into 2 different groups. In my group was all my friends in Mr Breach’s group, which was great.

Then one of the groups would have the rubber chicken (cow) and pass it around. When Nathan said “chuck the chicken”, the person holding the chicken would throw it as far as they could, towards the other team. Then run around the circle of people as fast as they could. Before the other team caught it, and lined up. Then gave the chicken to each other under their legs and the next person did it over their heads. We played a few rounds on our team. Then we swapped teams.

While the other team passed the chicken around our team chanted “chuck the chicken chuck the chicken” and stopped  when Nathan said “CHUCK THE CHICKEN!”

Both teams were left with even scores so I wasn’t really that gutted because we did not lose.

I found the game very exciting. I hope we play this game again sometime.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Popcorn Capacity

In Maths we are leaning about Capacity. We used popcorn to find out the capacity of a class. First we guessed how many spoonfuls of popcorn kernels it took to fill the cup. I guessed 15. It actually took 20 spoonfuls. Next we popped the corn on the oven. We had to guess how much popped corn filled the cup. I guessed 6. The capacity of the popped corn in the cup was 12 spoonfuls.


Monday 5 September 2016

Capacity And Volume

In maths we are learning about capacity and volume. Capacity is how much liquid a container can hold and volume is how much is in the container at the time.
We guessed how many spoonfuls of rice a cup holds.

This is my capacity and volume work. This is to show Iv'e learnt in the last 2 weeks. I now know that there is 1000 ML in one L. 

Friday 2 September 2016


I would either have a antique sale and sell all expensive antique clocks or anything antique because they are usually  expensive 

My second thing would be to have someone set up a bank that anyone can put money into but not taking any out except there own amount of money.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

My choice

Who can I pick? If I had to pick some one to be in front of a tandem with me i would  pick my dad because he taught me how to ride a bike and he inspires me because he always says nothings impossible. 

Thursday 25 August 2016

Digi awards blurb

Talia and Paige did every second slide so what Talia didn't do Paige would do and then we went through all the slides together and fixed any mistakes we found. Then we  worked together on the slides when we got passed 100.
Talia learned how it is really easy to do over 100 slides in a couple of days but before we started Talia thought it was nearly  impossible to do 100 slides.

Paige learned how easy it’s doing the slide show and Paige has never got passed 100 slides before and that was a goal for her to reach.

Be The Change Animation

Monday 15 August 2016

Eddie The Eagle

The movie is about a man who all his life he has wanted to do ski jumping at the winter Olympics but he is absolutely useless at it, but he is always doing his best and persisting.
Image result for eddie the eagleHe was determinant to achieve his goal and he knew he could do it because he believed in himself, and even if he couldn't reach his goal he still did the best he could and eventually he reached his goal.

Eddie The Eagle Trailer

Friday 12 August 2016

Andrea kilday

I would choose Andrea kilday because she lived in hornby up in till 2005 and she was born in Christchurch. I would also choose her because i used to do karate and i could learn some even better moves because she does taekwondo

Genevieve Behrent

                  Genevieve Behrent

 Sport: Genevieve Behrent does rowing. 


1.She does rowing in two different groups, the pair and in a group of 8.

2.She was born in oamaru 1990.

3. Her height is 183cm.

The Rio Olympic Games will be Genevieve's first Olympic Games. Genevieve was part of the silver medal winning eight that qualified the boat for Rio at the 2015 World Rowing Championships. Genevieve began her rowing career in 2008 at the Waihopai Rowing Club before going on to row for Otago University. Genevieve is something of a specialist in the eight the is also a two time silver medallist in the women's eight at the U23 World Championships (2010 and 2011)

Gen is interested in and enjoys studying interior design.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

2020 Tokyo Olympics

I did a design for the next Olympics at Japan Tokyo

Rio de janerio

1.Sky Tower

2.Rainbows end Plymouth coastle walkway

Image result for all blacks sign

Fun in nature

I think it was about 2 mascots who were chasing these colored balls that were leading them to the top of Rio when on the way the are doing some of the Olympic sports like running and gymnastics. The coloured balls combine together which makes the mascots high five and they like each other so the jump to the Rio Olympics together
Image result for Vinicius e Tom

Monday 8 August 2016

First Olympics

I chose running because I have always been good at it, my favorite thing to do in my spear time is also running. My favorite sport to watch on t.v is sprints

Red Kangaroos

We have been learning about red kangaroos in my group! Unfortunately i did not get many activities done this week.

Friday 5 August 2016

Goal Setting

Goals are important because they help you to get where you need to be





Social Goal
Is to talk to people i don't usually talk to!
Learning Goal
To know how to do my 8 timetables.
Sport Goal
To know how to do my karate kick properly

We were learning about people powers in power time. For this task we had to come up with three SMART goals to achieve this term.