Today we had watched a silent movie about a lighthouse keeper, We had to write what we think the lighthouse keeper would say. This is what I think he would say. This is the link for the video .
Light less Lighthouse
“Oh no my window won’t stay shut, the wind is so annoying and I can’t write my story in peace.” The man thought to himself.
“What's the racket out there anyway?”
Meanwhile the village was screaming and crying, as they were finding as many lights as possible so the could still see the light shine from the lighthouse.
“Oh no not the light, this is not my day at all!” the man yelled.
His feet where stomping up the stairs in a hurry to get to the top of the light house in order to fix whatever the problem was. He lifted the light bulb but he smashed it, dropped it to the ground
“It’s no use it’s broken” he thought Until…
The doorbell rung the man was amazed, all of the neighbourhood came with a light each so he could make the lighthouse glow again just with more lights than before.
“ Thank you, thank you, thank you, your all so amazing to come up here climb all these stairs and help me sort this out.”
“ I Know we need another light bulb and I will buy another one but I can’t till tomorrow. Thanks again, Tomorrow the lighthouse will work again!”
Do you have any feedback for me?