
Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Science- Climate change - 2040

Today in class we watched a documentary called 2040 it was about what the world will be like in 2040 if we look after the world better from here on in. We got to look at the positives not so much the negatives as the movie was to help us know what it could be like if we do our best to prevent the bad stuff from happening. We got to look at our world now and what it will be like in 20 years. 

I learnt that if we started using public transport the roads would become more open to the people walking and would create less fossil fuels which would be better for the environment. I also learnt that if we use a different type of energy it would impact the environment in a good way.

In 2040 I would like to see less cars on the road and more trees planted around rather then cutting massive amounts down like we seem to be doing now.

What surprised me was that cows have a big impact on the climate change, when my teachers told me I still didn't think it was that bigger deal.

The thing that excited me was that the world might have some really fun ways of transport.

The thing that worried me was that if we don't start changing our ways the world won't end up the way it did in the movie and that it will become alot worse than it is now. 

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