
Thursday, 28 September 2017

Learning Journey Day 7

Today we are still learning about New Zealand. For the first activity we have to write 3 things we could do to help New Zealand and make it beautiful for generations to come. For the second activity we have to take a picture of ourselves doing something we find relaxing. For the bonus activity we have to write a description or make a video about our week and what we enjoyed, what was challenging, what we did, what surprised us and what we learned.

Fun On Design App

Today we had to draw a picture on an app called I made my picture using different shapes and colors. I made a tree and a pond using circles and rectangles. I chose this because it was the first thing that came to mind. The most challenging part was changing the colors of the shapes. The easiest part was making the lily pads. The most fun part was making the tree because I got to use all circles for the leaves.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


This term I have been doing coding every Tuesday afternoon. We had to use Scratch to create a maze. We had to learn how to use all the different pieces to make our sprite move. To learn the different tasks each week our teacher Mrs Jack put videos on while we were sitting on the mat, the man explained everything we needed to know in lots of different videos, we watched one video every Tuesday. To get the maze background we had to go on a website called David Bau. Me and my friend Paige made 2 mazes because we went to a student toolkit a couple of weeks ago. The most challenging part was trying to make the maze background PNG from PDF. The easiest part was making our scratch accounts.

 Scratch Link

Today we are still learning about New Zealand. For the first activity we have to write a poem about how we would feel if we were one of the first people to come to New Zealand back many years ago. For the second activity we had to write the three out of four things we would like to do from New Zealand's Matariki festival. For the bonus activity we have to watch 3 videos of the All Blacks doing the Haka and order them from 1-3.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Learning Journey Day 5

Today we are still learning about New Zealand. The first task was to write a short story of 8-10 sentences about what would happen next if you got lost in a forest. The second task was to choose a New Zealand famous person and write five facts you know or learnt about that person. For the bonus activity we had to say why or why not we would like to travel up the Otago Central Trail.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Learning Journey Day 4

Today we are still learning about New Zealand. Now we are  travelling in the south island. For task 1 we have to write how the locals helped the beached whales on Farewell Spit. For the bonus active we have to give our opinion why people should or shouldn't fish in Farewell Spit because of the Heckdar Dolphins.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Uru Manuka Student Tool Kits

JPEG Image
JPEG Image

On Wednesday a group of people went down to Hornby Primary to share our tool kits. My tool kit was on coding.  The thing that went best for me was presenting, because I managed to help all three of the people I was teaching in some way.  I think maybe next time I would like to present in front of more people that three. Maybe next time I could talk a little bit more. My favorite presentation to watch was Voki voice because we got to create our own Voki charactor. The hardest part was creating an animation in the space of 45 minutes.

Learning Journey Day 3

Today in  literacy we looking at New Zealand animals. Our first task is to look at adopting a New Zealand native animal and say what the animal is, what it eats, what its name is and something about the animal. The second task is to say why we should or shouldn't kill possums and give at least 3 reasons why. This is the Moa's foot I created today. We had to draw a life size more foot and make it look as real as possible.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

SHS Learning Journey

This week in Puni-o-Toka we have been learning about New Zealand. Today we had to look at different links and videos. We had to chose one out of three places that we would like to visit. One of them took us to Rangitoto island another took us to Karekare beach the first one took us Tane Mahuta but we had to see what trip we liked best and write why we like that place more than the rest. Our second activity was if we could interview with Laura Dekkar what five questions would we ask her. For our bonus activity we had to interview with someone in our class then write five questions we would ask them about what they like to do out doors I am, interviewing Sandra.

Monday, 18 September 2017

SHS Learning Journey

Today we have been looking at New Zealand populations and 100% pure New Zealand. We have 3 different tasks to do. We got different links to help us with the facts and the flag creating. We had to use the links to help us find facts and make a flag. We also have to write five things we would like to do in Auckland when or if we go.
                                                                Activity 1
  • Out of the 4.4 million New Zealanders also known as kiwis about 69% are European descent 14.6% are maori, 9.2% are Asian and 6.9% non maori pacific islanders.
  • Over three quarters of the population live in the North Island, and one third of the total population are living in Auckland.
  •     Over four hundred years before Christopher Columbus and the rest of Europe worried about the possibility of falling off the edge of the world.
                                                               Activity 2
                            The five activities I want to contribute in are... 

  • Bungee jumping
  • Rainbows end
  • Surfing
  • Visit the sky tower
  • Play in the parks

                                                                           Bonus Activity 
For the last activity it's a bonus. We have to create a flag design to represent Auckland New Zealand

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Skyline Calendar Art

I have create this piece of art for calendar art. First we had to sketch a couple of buildings and houses. We had to paint each box a different color or shade. After we painted we put vivid lines around the buildings and then let everything dry.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Netiquette Is Nice But Etiquette Is To

1st Steps
Last week in Mr Maddrens class we made a Mind Mup about do's and don'ts for using the internet. This is called netiquette which is net and etiquette combined.

This week In Miss Morgan and Mr Maddens class we added a bit more to the Mind Mup that we have been creating. The first steps were to read the dos and don'ts. The next step was to Think of two reasons why we should or shouldn't do it and why. We watched a video and made a video note from it and then we used the notes to help us create our Mind Mup. The most important part of netiquette is that when you are talking online it is no different than talking to someone face to face.

This is my DLO about netiquette. It has some different things to do with netiquette like being kind online, think before you send and re-read before you send. The most challenging part of this was making the DLO because the internet wasn't working. The easiest part was writing the because's.

Do you have any feedback for me?
Because it will help me make my posts better.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Complex Sentances

This we have been learning how to write a complex sentence and paragraph using complex sentences and simple sentences.

When the big scary monster made of rock walked  through the stone while a little lady yelled at the top of her lungs.

The tiny girl screamed at the top of her lungs as the stone monster cam barging through the fog.

A young man was taking a stroll in the forest when suddenly an army of ants dragged him to the ground.

When an army of ants dragged a boy to the ground he realized had ants in his pants.

A family were cozeying up in bed when giant aliens attacked there castle. Everyone ran away from the aliens. It was very dark. It was very scary. The aliens were trying to suck up as many people as possible.